Social Media Marketing: The Ten ‘DON’Ts’ Go Visual

While many of you were very forthcoming with your congratulations on my previous post on Social Media Marketing campaigns and their most common mistakes, many others requested a more visual and less wordy presentation.

In response to your request, and in the best Christmas spirit, here goes the visual presentation which I hope will prove as helpful as the post in your social media endeavours in the year about to begin.

Social Media Marketing: The Ten DON’Ts

Sobre el Autor

Especialista en comunicación y marketing online y marca personal. Profesor de los Másters en Social Media y Community Manager de la Universidad Complutense y de la UNED y de la Escuela Universitaria del Real Madrid. Consultor en 'Soyunamarca'. Autor de 'De Twitter al cielo'. Aprendo, opino y comparto.